for your mind, body & soul.
Ilya Vaslavskiy, yoga instructor
Yoga with Ilya
No matter your age, fitness level, flexibility, or experience, I will develop a Yoga practice that will fit your needs. My goal is to work with you wherever you’re at and help you feel comfortable in body and mind.
Group classes, 1-on-1 instruction, workshops and courses are available online and in-person.
Check out my YouTube Channel
A dozen 30-90 minute videos for beginners to advanced students.
Click to watch this Open Level Yoga practice.
Ilya is dedicated to his students building a deeper yoga practice. He teaches classes that are suitable for all levels and he meets students where they're at in their learning.
Jesslyn B
Ilya comes with a wealth of knowledge having practiced for many years under reputable teachers. Ilya is a multifaceted disciplined yoga practitioner who wants to share in all the ways yoga heals the Heart. Mind. Body & Spirit
Dua H
Ilya is very knowledgeable and is an incredible teacher. Anyone at any level of yoga can attend these classes. If you are a total beginner or an expert, Ilya will help you get the most out of your practice every time.
Mickenzie T
I’ve been lucky enough to study and mentor with some of the best teachers. As of now, I have completed 7 trainings and hundreds of hours of mentoring under my main teacher. I am certified in everything from Ashtanga and flow Yoga, to Yin and Restorative Yoga. Yoga is my passion, I love to teach and to help others through Yoga. Over the years I have taught everyone from children at schools, to college students, to seniors in senior homes. I have taught in over a dozen locations around my home town Winnipeg. To get started,click here to contact me.
More and more, you hear about how Yoga is good for your health. I often get students that have been sent to me by their doctor, or their friend, partner. Why not Yoga is a better question? Yoga is naturally the perfect way to bring balance to our otherwise busy and stressful lives. Yoga helps regulate and recalibrate our mind and body, so we can feel energetic, uplifted and peaceful. Yeah, peaceful, it’s a thing! Don’t believe me, just grab any magazine at the store and check out what the science has to say on Yoga.
Briefly explain, Yoga therapy is Yoga that is applied specifically to the individual, not generically to the whole class. Poses that are suited to your particular needs, skillfully applied to help heal the different parts of the body; the muscles, the joints, cardiovascular system, nervous system. It’s a holistic approach, tailored to the individual needs of the student. Click here to get a consultation
Here’s a few pointers:
Work where your at. Don’t worry what others can do, just be yourself. That’s the best starting point.
Be consistent. It won’t work if you only do Yoga once every other month - I’d recommend you do Yoga at the very least 2 times a week.
That can seem like so much, but keep in mind you don’t necessarily have to go to the studio for 1 hour each time. Do a short practice at home. If you don’t have much time, just do some gentle postures 10 minutes before bed. That is so much better than nothing.
It can feel daunting to start something new, or to get back into it after a while, especially if you don’t really know where to get started. I can help with that! It’s what I do! To get started, just click here.
Don’t tell anyone, but seniors are actually my favourite students! I have had the absolute pleasure of teaching seniors for years and years now. Actually my first real classes were with seniors, I taught that class for years. Twice a week, every week. Seniors take Yoga seriously and every teacher loves students that take a subject seriously. If you are older, and would like to do Yoga with an experienced teacher, click here to contact me
Asana loosely translates to ‘posture’ in Sanskrit. To be technical, the word Asana directly translates to ‘seat’.
Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. As Yoga comes from India, most of the principal yogic teachings are translated from Sanskrit. Hence words such as vinyasa, hatha, asana, prana, pranayama, karma, etc etc.
Ashtanga Yoga is a specific method or style of Yoga. Created in India By Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his teacher Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.
Ashtanga Yoga focuses on a synchronized movement of body and breath. One is never without the other. This practice is typically labelled as intense, but really you can go as slow and gentle as you need.
Anyone can practice Ashtanga under the right guidance. See “What is Mysore Yoga” below.
Out of all the styles of teaching, Mysore is the most accessible to beginner students or students wishing to deepen their understanding of Yoga.
Mysore differs from the conventional Yoga class format.
With most other styles, you arrive at class at a specific time, and then the class is led by the instructor. All of the students learn the same thing at the same time.
Mysore style is different. You come during a set time (ie: 7 AM-9 AM), and you practice Ashtanga Yoga at your own personal pace.
During the class time, the teacher is there to guide each student in a personalized way.
If you do not know the sequence yet, the teacher will teach you each pose, one at a time. If you forget the sequence, the teacher will help you until you memorize it.
You can take as much time as you require - there is no rush to get anywhere!
Taught this way, your Yoga practice becomes exactly that, your Yoga practice.
More questions? Click here
Yin Yoga is a passive style of Yoga practice. You can expect to hold each posture anywhere from 2-6 minutes, perhaps even longer. Props are often used to assist us in the posture. Blocks and bolsters are very common, straps and blankets are often used as well. Yin is the gentle, soft, calm and passive quality.
Yang Yoga is the style of Yoga with which most people are familiar. Dynamic, active, strenuous, fast moving, heat, perspiration. Those are the qualities of a Yang practice. Nearly all of the photos you’ve seen of Yoga postures are Yang style postures.
Both styles are extremely useful, and both are needed. The idea is that both should be practiced at the correct times to bring balance and harmony.